Programmable Temperature Controller (Digital Controller) (48 × 48 mm)
last update: January 6, 2014
White characters on a black background combine with the largest display size in the industry to achieve superior visibility.
You can quickly and reliably check the PV from wide viewing angles, with natural light or in the subdued lighting condtions.
*1. According to OMRON investigation, November.
You can display the PV (white) and the SV (green) along with the program progression (PRG and SEG (yellow)).
These are all visible simultaneously so that you don’t have to switch the display.
*2. Excluding the E5CC-T.
Even if you don’t connect a power supply to the Controller, power is supplied from the computer.
Just use computer key operations to easily achieve complex setups.
You can greatly reduce the required setup work.
*4. CX-Thermo version 4.61 or higher is required.
You can hide the parameters that do not need to be displayed depends on the worksite.
You can easily make the settings from a computer with the CX-Thermo Special Setup Software.
Unnecessary parameters are not displayed at worksite, which prevents operating mistakes by workers.
For example, to set 100°C, it was previously necessary to increment one degree at a time with a key, but with the shift key (<<PF), you can instantly change the digit.
This simplifies numeric entry at worksite, where many parameter settings are required for program control.
last update: January 6, 2014