Switch Mode Power Supply (15/25/35/50/75/100/150/200/350-W Models)
last update: October 1, 2015
Do your power supplies stop due to unexpected external disturbances?
You can increase your equipment operating rates by selecting Power Supplies that have a high resistance to external disturbances.
In locations where the supply of power is not stable, it is common for abnormal voltages around 300 VAC to be input momentarily. The S8FS withstands this type of momentary abnormal input voltage.
*1. It is not a guaranteed value.
Malfunctions in power supplies can be caused by strong noise of several tens of kHz transmitted from inverters or motors on the same AC line. OMRON measured the noise frequencies and sizes that occurred in actual machines in the past and used them as a standard to improve the noise resistance of the S8FS by harnessing circuit design knowhow to prevent noise from reaching the control section
The catalog value conforms to the value specified in IEC 61000-4-5, but it has been confirmed that the ability has a margin of 1.5 times that value.
*1. It is not a guaranteed value.
last update: October 1, 2015